
Python urllib2 : URL에서 JSON 응답 수신

codestyles 2020. 9. 11. 08:02

Python urllib2 : URL에서 JSON 응답 수신

Python을 사용하여 URL을 얻으려고하는데 응답이 JSON입니다. 그러나 내가 달리면

import urllib2
response = urllib2.urlopen('')
print html

html은 str 유형이며 JSON이 필요합니다. 응답을 str 대신 JSON 또는 파이썬 사전으로 캡처 할 수있는 방법이 있습니까?

URL이 유효한 JSON 인코딩 데이터를 반환하는 경우 json라이브러리사용하여 디코딩합니다.

import urllib2
import json

response = urllib2.urlopen('')
data = json.load(response)   
print data

import json
import urllib

url = ''
r = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads('charset') or 'utf-8'))

urllib , Python 3.4 용
HTTPMessage , ()에서 반환

유효성 검사 등에 대해주의를 기울이십시오. 그러나 직접적인 해결책은 다음과 같습니다.

import json
the_dict = json.load(response)

Return JSON to webpage
Adding to wonderful answer by @Sanal
For Django 3.4
Adding a working url that returns a json (Source:

import json
import urllib

url = ''
respons = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads('charset') or 'utf-8'))
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json")

resource_url = 'http://localhost:8080/service/'
response = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(resource_url).read())

Python 3 표준 라이브러리 한 줄짜리 :


# imports (place these above the code before running it)
from json import load
from urllib.request import urlopen
url = ''

이미 대답 한 것 같지만 여기에 조금 더하고 싶습니다

import json
import urllib2
class Website(object):
    def __init__(self,name): = name 
    def dump(self): urllib2.urlopen(

    def convJSON(self):
         data=  json.load(self.dump())
     print data

domain = Website("")

Note : object passed to json.load() should support .read() , therefore urllib2.urlopen( would not work . Doamin passed should be provided with protocol in this case http

you can also get json by using requests as below:

import requests

r = requests.get('')
json_response = r.json()

This is another simpler solution to your question


where data is the str output from the following code

response = urlopen("")
json_data ='utf-8', 'replace')

None of the provided examples on here worked for me. They were either for Python 2 (uurllib2) or those for Python 3 return the error "ImportError: No module named request". I google the error message and it apparently requires me to install a the module - which is obviously unacceptable for such a simple task.

This code worked for me:

import json,urllib
data = urllib.urlopen("").read()
d = json.loads(data)
print (d)

참고 URL :
